Irkutsk Regional Museum of Local History

Irkutsk Regional Museum of Local History

Irkutsk Regional Museum of Local History

Irkutsk Regional Museum of Local History, the oldest museum of Siberia and the Far East, was founded in 1782. In its funds an invaluable collection of historical and cultural heritage items is collected, the basis of which is the materials of expeditions of outstanding researchers of Siberia and Asia.

The museum's collection holds more than 500,000 exhibits, 40,000 of which are exhibited annually in seven exhibition departments.


The History Department is located on the Angara embankment in the Moorish castle. The most beautiful building is not only an architectural symbol of Irkutsk, but it also preserves the spirit of the East Siberian Department of the Russian Geographical Society, as a museum of which it was built in 1883.

On its frieze the following names of great travelers and scientists are carved: Bering, Wrangel, Georgi, Gmelin, Humboldt, Krashennikov, Ledebur, Messerschmidt, Middendorf, Miller, Pallas, Steller, Maack, Maksimovich, Nordenskiold, Przhevalsky, Turchaninov and Chersky who in different years visited Irkutsk.


The flora and fauna of Eastern Siberia are widely represented in the Nature Department from ancient times to our days.

Interactive tours, theatrical museum classes, themed holidays, environmental actions, master classes, quests, quizzes, numerous exhibitions and competitions will not leave visitors of different ages indifferent.

Nature of the Cisbaikalia region, a permanent exhibition.

Exhibitions from the museum's funds, as well as exhibitions of animals (service dogs, cats and kittens of rare and traditional breeds, birds, reptiles, insects) and plants (peonies, lilies, roses, garden bushes, indoor plants) are held.


The Museum Studio Department is a modern exhibition space for demonstrating museum collections and works of art of contemporary artists, photographers and masters of folk art.


The museum complex is located in the restored monument of wooden architecture in Irkutsk Sloboda, the historic development quarter (130th Quarter). The exposition of the department is dedicated to the contribution of members of the Russian Geographical Society and the Irkutsk governor generals to the study and development of the north-eastern part of the Asian continent, Siberia and the Far East.

Theatrical interactive programs, master classes, a tour of the department and a walking tour of the 130th Quarter are performed.


The museum presents the creative heritage of Valentin Grigorevich Rasputin, a prominent writer of Russian literature, a public figure and a publicist. The Last Term, Lessons of the French, Money for Mary, Live and Remember , short novels and stories of the great writer, are translated into 40 languages.

The exposition equipped with modern multimedia equipment is housed in a cosy wooden mansion in the historic center of Irkutsk.

Thematic events, meet-the-artist sessions, literary soirees, quest and master classes are held.


The oldest remaining icebreaker in the world, the Angara Ship Museum, was built more than 100 years ago at the Sir V.G. Armstrong, Witworth and Co shipyard in Newcastle (the UK) and was intended for laying the way in the ice for the Baikal ferry.

The icebreaker presents an exposition devoted to the development of navigation on Lake Baikal and the Siberian rivers. During the tour you can see the whole ship and even go down to the engine room. Meetings, film shows and concerts are held.


St. Innocenty (Veniaminov) cultural and educational centre is located in the village of Anga, Kachugsky district, 287 km from Irkutsk, in the homeland of St. Innocenty (Veniaminov, an amazing person, an ethnographer, a linguist, a great missionary, the first Orthodox bishop of Kamchatka, Yakutia, Amur and North America, Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna. The complex includes an ancient memorial house, the preserved foundation of the Ilinsk Church, the newly built Holy Innocenty Church with a library and a Sunday school, museum pavilions, the building of the Cultural and Educational Centre with exhibition and conference rooms.

“The history of missionary activities of the Russian Orthodox Church in the East of Russia. Saint Innocent's (Veniaminov's) life and activities” display.

The Cultural and Educational Centre hosts art exhibitions, scientific seminars and conferences, concert programs, interactive museum holidays, classes and master classes.

Guests can stay in 25 well-equipped rooms (total 53 people).

The village of Anga is located in the most beautiful places among the Siberian taiga on the shore of the river of the same name. In the immediate vicinity of the Cultural and Educational Center there are farms, hunting grounds, Shishkinsky pisanitsy, a unique archaeological monument , and other tourist facilities.

YOU ARE INVITED TO TAKE PART IN ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL ACTIONS: Night of Museums (May), Night of Arts (November) and the Mayowka (May Day Rally), Festival of Museums of the Region – (May)

Coach excursions: Around memorable and historical places of Irkutsk – 2.5 hours
Baikal, a pearl of Siberia – 5 hours
A.V. Kolchak in Irkutsk – 2.5 hours
Valentin Rasputin`s Irkutsk – 2 hours
Orthodox churches – 3 hours
Excursion about the life and activity of St. Innocenty (Veniaminov) – 2 hours
Travelling to the writer Valentin Rasputin's motherland – 3 days
Travelling to Saint Innocent's (Veniaminov's) motherland – 1 day
Walking tours: A tour of Tikhvinskaya Square (Kirov Square)
Bolshaya Street (Karl Marx Street)
Jerusalem Mountain
Travelling throughout Irkutsk Sloboda (130th Quarter)

HELP AND PRELIMINARY ENROLLING ON THE TOURS: tel.: 8 (3952) 33-62-30 e-mail: